170 Useful IELTS Word Combinations With Verbs

Learn these 170 Useful IELTS Word Combinations With Verbs

1 Abandon + attempt, career, child, convention, effort, homestead, hope, idea, pet, policy, principle, proposal, rationality, search, tradition, vehicle, wife
2 Absorb + culture, idea, information
3 Abuse + alcohol, authority, drug, power, substance
4 Accelerate + change, development, growth, pace, rate, speed, trend
5 Achieve + aim, effect, feat, goal, growth, objective, purpose, success, target
6 Acquire + information, knowledge, opportunity, skill, status
7 Address + issue, matter, problem, question, subject
8 Admire + courage, quality, skill, view, work
9 Adopt + attitude, idea, measure, method, plan, policy, practice, rule, technique
10 Affect + behaviour, decision, life, outcome, performance, quality
11 Allocate + expenditure, fund, money, seat, time, work
12 Alter + behaviour, fact, life, perception, policy, relationship
13 Analyse + behaviour, impact, performance, problem, result
14 Appreciate + beauty, effort, point, support, value, work
15 Attain + degree, goal, objective, position, status, target
16 Attract + attention, audience, criticism, effort, interest, investment, support
17 Ban + advertising, book, drug, practice, weapon
18 Bear + burden, cost, fruit, grudge, hallmark, resemblance, responsibility, similarity
19 Boost + confidence, economy, image, income, morale, performance, profit, value
20 Break + contract, deadlock, habit, law, promise, record, rule, silence, tradition
21 Cancel + agreement, appointment, booking, holiday, meeting, trip, visit
22 Catch + attention, breath, bus, cold, disease, eye, fire, flight, glimpse, plane, train
23 Cause + accident, change, concern, damage, difficulty, harm, loss, pain, problem, trouble
24 Celebrate + achievement, anniversary, birthday, centenary, day, event, festival, holiday, occasion, success, victory, wedding, year
25 Challenge + authority, claim, decision, idea, notion, view
26 Change + attitude, behaviour, direction, face, habit, mind, situation, subject
27 Collect + data, evidence, information, rent, tax, thought
28 Combat + crime, crisis, disease, drug, inflation, problem, tragedy, terrorism, violence
29 Concentrate + effort, attention, energy, mind, power
30 Conduct + analysis, business, debate, examination, experiment, inquiry, interview, investigation, meeting, negotiation, orchestra, research, study, survey, test, trial
31 Confirm + appointment, booking, existence, view
32 Confront + challenge, difficulty, fact, issue, problem, reality, situation
33 Consume + alcohol, energy, passion, time
34 Control + behaviour, money, population, power, supply, temper
35 Convey + idea, image, information, language, meaning, message, view
36 Create + atmosphere, environment, image, impression, opportunity, wealth
37 Curb + attempt, effort, emission, growth
38 Cut + budget, cost, hair, job, loss, pay, price, rate, supply, tax
39 Damage + brain, career, credibility, economy, environment, health, image, relationship, reputation
40 Debate + issue, matter, merit, policy, proposal, subject
41 Delay + action, arrival, decision, departure, development, flight, onset
42 Deliver + goods, lecture, message, performance, service, speech
43 Demonstrate + ability, commitment, importance, need, power, skill
44 Deny + access, chance, claim, existence, involvement, opportunity, request, right
45 Deserve + chance, consideration, mention, place, praise, punishment, respect, support, win
46 Destroy + ability, bond, building, ecosystem, forest, hope, industry, life, prospect
47 Determine + amount, extent, nature, outcome, policy, price, rate, value
48 Develop + habit, idea, knowledge, plan, policy, skill, taste, technology
49 Discuss + idea, issue, matter, possibility, problem, situation, subject, topic
50 Dismiss + appeal, application, argument, charge, claim, employee, idea, notion, possibility, reason, suggestion
51 Display + collection, information, skill, talent
52 Disregard + advice, pain, statement, suffering, warning
53 Disrupt + activity, attempt, life, meeting, operation, peace, plan, process, service
54 Distract + attention, mind, thought
55 Distribute + goods, information, material, power, product
56 Earn + credit, degree, income, salary, wage, money, livelihood, place, praise, profit, reputation, respect, return
57 Ease + burden, crisis, difficulty, fear, grip, mind, pain, plight, pressure, problem, restriction, shortage, strain, tension, worry
58 Eliminate + discrimination, gap, habit, need, pest, possibility, problem, risk, use
59 Emphasise + contribution, fact, importance, point, role
60 Employ + method, people, staff, strategy, system, tactic, technique, worker
61 Encounter + difficulty, opposition, problem, resistance, situation
62 Enforce + ban, control, law, limit, requirement, rule, standard
63 Enhance + ability, appearance, chance, environment, image, performance, prestige, quality, relationship, role, skill, status, value
64 Enrich + experience, performance, relationship, life
65 Establish + business, creditability, link, network, relationship, reputation, rule
66 Examine + effect, evidence, implication, issue, nature, policy, problem, progress
67 Exercise + authority, care, choice, control, discretion, influence, judgement, option, power, responsibility, restraint, right, skill
68 Exhibit + behaviour, characteristic, degree, level, pattern, property, range, sign, symptom, tendency, variety, work
69 Expand + activity, base, business, capacity, horizon, operation, range, scope
70 Exploit + advantage, loophole, market, opportunity, position, possibility, potential, power, situation, technology, weakness
71 Explore + area, detail, idea, issue, nature, opportunity, option, possibility, potential, relationship, world
72 Express + anger, appreciation, belief, concern, disappointment, doubt, emotion, fear, gratitude, interest, opinion, preference, regret, satisfaction, support, sympathy, thanks, thought, view, wish
73 Extend + credit, hand, invitation, lead, life, period, plan, system
74 Evaluate + evidence, impact, option, performance, policy, position, quality, work
75 Facilitate + change, communication, development, exchange, flow, learning, transfer
76 Follow + advice, example, footstep, guideline, instruction, lead, path, pattern, procedure, route, rule, track
77 Form + basis, company, government, partnership, relationship, society
78 Forge + bond, career, friendship, identity, link, partnership, relationship, signature
79 Foster + attitude, competition, culture, development, discrimination, relationship, spirit
80 Fulfil + aim, ambition, criteria, demand, desire, dream, expectation, need, obligation, potential, requirement, responsibility, role, task
81 Gain + acceptance, access, advantage, approval, attention, benefit, confidence, control, currency, degree, experience, ground, impression, independence, information, insight, knowledge, momentum, opportunity, popularity, power, qualification, recognition, reputation, respect, support, understanding
82 Gather + crowd, evidence, information, momentum, pace, people
83 Generate + cash, demand, electricity, energy, growth, heat, income, interest, job, power, profit, revenue, support
84 Guarantee + freedom, future, payment, quality, safety, security, success
85 Hamper + ability, effort, plan, search, development
86 Handle + affair, business, crisis, issue, matter, problem, situation
87 Harness + energy, investment, power, revolution, technology
88 Hold + belief, breath, election, exhibition, hope, meeting, position, post, seat, view
89 Ignore + advice, evidence, fact, issue, need, problem, protest, question, sign, warning
90 Imitate + accent, attitude, custom, sound, style, voice
91 Impair + ability, efficiency, function, health, performance
92 Implement + ban, change, contract, decision, law, plan, policy, practice, principle, recommendation, reform, strategy, tax
93 Impose + ban, burden, constraint, control, deadline, duty, fine, law, limit, punishment, requirement, restraint, restriction, rule, sentence, tax
94 Improve + appearance, chance, education, efficiency, effort, environment, facility, health, image, life, performance, productivity, quality, safety, service, situation, skill, standard, system
95 Increase + amount, capacity, chance, demand, productivity, profit, rate, risk, sale, share, tax
96 Initiate + action, campaign, change, contact, debate, development, discussion, investigation, policy, programme, reform, request, research, review, study, talk
97 Integrate + approach, policy, service, technology
98 Lay + base, emphasis, figure, foundation, groundwork, hand, stress
99 Limit + ability, access, choice, growth, unemployment, use
100 Lose + altitude, appetite, balance, chance, confidence, grip, hearing, home, hope, interest, job, memory, mind, money, opportunity, sense, sight, speed, temper, voice
101 Maintain + balance, contact, control, environment, interest, momentum, position, quality, relationship, standard, status, tradition
102 Make + arrangement, attempt, call, change, choice, comment, contribution, decision, difference, distinction, effort, mistake, money, noise, progress, speech, statement, trip
103 Match + description, expectation, need, pace, performance
104 Meet + challenge , criteria, deadline, demand, friend, goal, need, objective, obligation, requirement, standard, target
105 Merit + attention, consideration, mention
106 Nurture + child, hatred, ideal, relationship, talent
107 Obey + command, instruction, law, obligation, order, parent, rule
108 Obtain + advice, benefit, consent, degree, detail, evidence, information, permission, result, service, solution
109 Offer + advice, assistance, chance, choice, discount, explanation, help, job, money, opportunity, resistance, service, support
110 Offset + advantage, benefit, cost, decline, demand, effect, gain, growth, impact, increase, loss, problem, profit, reduction, revenue, sale, tax
111 Oppose + change, idea, law, move, plan, policy, proposal, view
112 Overcome + barrier, challenge, crisis, difficulty, fear, hurdle, limitation, obstacle, odds, opposition, prejudice, problem, resistance, shyness
113 Overtook + achievement, fact, factor, importance, link, need, point, premise, self-esteem
114 Perform + ceremony, dance, duty, experiment, function, job, operation, play, procedure, rite, ritual, role, service, task, test, work
115 Place + advertisement, bet, blame, burden, emphasis, importance, limit, order, restriction, strain, trust, value
116 Play + card, football, game, golf, match, music, part, piano, role, rule, toy
117 Pose + challenge, danger, dilemma, hazard, problem, question, risk, threat
118 Possess + ability, characteristic, knowledge, power, quality, skill, strength, wealth
119 Predict + behaviour, change, future, growth, market, outcome, result, success
120 Preserve + balance, character, effort, environment, family, heritage, identity, independence, integrity, life, tradition, unity, value
121 Prohibit + act, activity, discrimination, drinking, gambling, smoking, substance, abuse, use
122 Promote + change, development, education, effort, growth, health, idea, policy, welfare
123 Protect + children, copyright, environment, law, privacy, property, public, right, species
124 Provide + answer, assistance, basis, care, clue, detail, evidence, example, explanation, help, incentive, information, insight, opportunity, protection, service, support
125 Provoke + action, anger, backlash, controversy, criticism, debate, discussion, interest, opposition, outcry, protest, reaction, response, thought, violence, war
126 Pursue + aim, argument, career, end, goal, idea, interest, issue, matter, objective, question, study
127 Raise + awareness, child, concern, doubt, family, flag, fund, hand, head, hope, issue, matter, money, possibility, price, problem, question, rate, standard, subject, tax, voice
128 Reach + adolescence, age, agreement, compromise, conclusion, consensus, decision, end, final, goal, level, limit, peak, point, stage, standard, target
129 Receive + approval, attention, benefit, call, education, gift, information, invitation, letter, message, payment, publicity, reply, support, treatment
130 Recognise + benefit, fact, flaw, importance, need, problem, right, role, value, voice
131 Reduce + budget, chance, cost, debt, demand, effort, emission, need, pollution, risk, tax, tension, value
132 Reform + character, criminal, economy, law, plan, regulation, system
133 Reject + appeal, application, argument, bid, claim, idea, notion, offer, plan, proposal, request, suggestion, view
134 Relieve + anxiety, boredom, burden, duty, monotony, pain, poverty, pressure, problem, responsibility, stress, symptom, tedium, tension
135 Remove + barrier, obstacle, restriction, rule, stain
136 Repair + belief, car, damage, dwelling, injury, make-up
137 Repeat + behaviour, habit, history, mistake, pattern, procedure, question, success
138 Replace + battery, car, staff, system, tyre
139 Resist + change, idea, impulse, pressure, temptation, urge, will
140 Resolve + ambiguity, conflict, contradiction, crisis, difference, difficulty-, dilemma, dispute, issue, matter, problem, question, situation, tension
141 Respect + decision, law, privacy, view, wish
142 Restore + balance, building, confidence, control, faith, glory, health, life, order, peace, position, power, pride, reputation, sight
143 Retain + atmosphere, character, control, dignity, employee, grip, identity, independence, interest, position, post, power, right, status, title
144 Reverse + change, decision, decline, direction, order, policy, role, situation, trend
145 Review + decision, evidence, option, policy, progress, situation, study, work
146 Satisfy + appetite, condition, criteria, curiosity, customer, demand, desire, hunger, need, requirement, taste, test
147 Set + agenda, date, example, fire, goal, limit, objective, pace, precedent, price, record, scene, sight, stage, standard, target, task, tone
148 Share + belief, blame, concern, experience, house, idea, information, interest, life, responsibility, room, sense, view
149 Shift + attention, balance, blame, burden, demand, emphasis, focus, gear, ground, position, power, responsibility
150 Solve + crime, crisis, difficulty, issue, problem, puzzle, question, riddle
151 Spend + afternoon, amount, day, evening, fortune, hour, life, money, month, morning, night, time, week, weekend, year
152 Spoil + appetite, chance, child, choice, day, fun, view
153 Stimulate + ability, activity, brain, demand, development, economy, growth, hormone, industry, interest, investment, research
154 Strengthen + ability, argument, bond, commitment, control, effort, family, force, law, link, muscle, position, power, presence, relationship, role, squad, tie
155 Supply + electricity, energy, equipment, food, gas, goods, information, material, power, product, service, water
156 Support + claim, effort, family, hypothesis, idea, plan, proposal, view
157 Suppress + anger, attempt, drug, effort, emotion, evidence, rebellion, smile, truth, uprising, urge
158 Suspend + action, decision, duty, flight, licence, operation, order, payment, sentence
159 Sustain + ability, conscience, damage, effort, growth, interest, level, life, population
160 Take + action, approach, breath, chance, job, lead, opportunity, photograph, responsibility, risk, role, step, turn, view
161 Teach + child, class, course, language, lesson, skill, student, subject, technique
162 Transfer + benefit, data, fund, information, ownership, responsibility
163 Transform + city, country, economy, face, image, landscape, life, opinion, situation
164 Trigger + action, change, debate, event, problem, reaction, response, war
165 Understand + idea, meaning, nature, need, problem, process, reason
166 Undergo + change, course, development, examination, experience, operation, period
167 Undertake + action, analysis, development, duty, exercise, initiative, investigation, operation, programme, project, research, responsibility, study, survey, task, training
168 Utilise + assistance, power, resource, service, talent, time
169 Win + battle, championship, competition, contest, contract, heart, majority, match, prize, race, scholarship, support, title, tournament
170 Withdraw + candidacy, cash, decision, money, service, support
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